reach the conclusion的相关图片

reach the conclusion

下面围绕“reach the conclusion”主题解决网友的困惑

arrive to the conclusion和reach the conclusion哪

reach the conclusion

reach a conclusion是什么意思

reach a conclusion [英][ri:tʃ ə kənˈklu:ʒən][美][ritʃ e kənˈkluʒən]得出结论,告一段落;例句:But I...

reach和reach to的区别是什么?

- reach:后面跟名词或地点。示例:He reached the conclusion.(他得出了结论。)- reach to:后面跟物体或位置。...


2. come to a conclusion : 告终。3. at the conclusion of : 在...终了时。conclusion相关短语:1.最常见搭配是“...

reach的短语 急!!!

reach a compromise达成妥协 reach a decision下结论;决定下来;做出决定 reach afforestation standards达到绿化标准 reach after努力谋求;竭力达到;伸手想抓 ...


2. come to a conclusion : 告终。3. at the conclusion of : 在...终了时。conclusion相关短语:1.最常见搭配是“...


Taken together what have been discussed above, it is safe to reach the conclusion that ___.五、永恒性话题 1. 解释名言或俗语 2. 用例子证明其正确性 3. 结...

reach 后面跟的介词是什么啊?

be reached by flattery.他容易被谄媚奉承所打动。It is very important to reach an agreement with this big company .和这家大公司达成协议是很重要的。No conc...

reach和get to的区别

一、读音不同 reach:英 [riːtʃ] 美 [riːtʃ]get to:英 [ɡet tu] 美 [ɡet tu]二、意思不...

reach 与 reach to的区别!

reach 与reach to的意思差别很大reach通常接地名,表示到达哪儿。而reach则不是"到达"的意思,请看下面reach to的几人用法:1. 延伸到:例句: This street reaches...

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